• To work for human resources, promotion of social and economic wellbeing of the masses, improvement of social status, social mobilization for prosperous society, and elimination of gender discrimination particularly in rural areas of Pakistan.
• To establish, manage own, administer, promote and subsidize educational institutions, computer literacy centers, schools, collages, institutions for basic educations, adult literacy, advance study and other educational fore with the permission of competent authority but not to act as degree awarding institute.
• To provide scholarship to students and grant aid including supply of books. Stipends, needs, prizes, grants, awards, medicines educational career support, bursaries and other incentives of purposes of advancement of knowledge, education and literacy.
• To develop rural areas and resources of land, undertake, subsidies measures, programs, plans and schemes for development for rural development, including improvement and development of townships, settlement and villages, houses and buildings, roads, water courses, playgrounds, and other civic amenities and to undertakes measure for improvement of conditions of housing, work, health, hygiene, sanitation and the quality of life.
• To establish, maintain, run, manage and administer aid programs providing relief and help to the needy, the poor and the destitute charitable and philanthropic activities for benefit of the mankind and work for alleviation of human sufferings from catastrophes.
• To provide Microfinance facilities (both Islamic and Traditional) to the deserving people for development of human resources, promotion of social status, social mobilization for prosperous society and elimination of gender discrimination in the rural areas of Pakistan.
A world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live
in dignity..
Through an integrated approach, the Organization wishes to beget social and economic uplift of the society, specially the poor. This could create an environment in which destitute may be able to revamp their lives the equitable and sustainable use of resources..
To fight for human rights. To offer humanitarian assistance. To promote long-term development. To support indigenous peoples’ cultures – To protect the environment.
To date, SWWS has cumulatively provided over rupees 300 million microcredit loans, Total 33162 women and men were given vocational skills training, SWWS has provided reproductive health services to 155000 women in five districts covering / adopting 15 Health Facilities including Rural Health centers, Basic Health Units and Districts and Tehsil Headquarter Hospitals beside establishing 6 Community Basic Health Unit in District Swabi, Dir Lower, Tank and DI Khan, Kurram and Peshawar with the Objectives to increase the availability of Reproductive Health with focus an 24/7 Basic Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal care (BEmONC services for flood/conflict affected people of KP and FATA. SWWS has established 4 women-friendly centres to cater to the need of IDPs Women facing Gender Based Violence (GBV) in terms of health, Protection and psychosocial services being rendered to the identified cases. They were also linked for food and shelter in four locations of IDPS population in Kurram agency.
SWWS is now working in the 17 Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and almost completed about 175 different projects in diverse sectors. In 3 union council in Swabi and 2 union council in Nowshera surveys have been completed and medical camps for persons with disabilities were conducted and assistive services have been provided to more then 6344 persons. Similarly, business incubations were started after completion of EDT for selected PWDs. For job placement 16 exposure visits were conducted to different production entities including big industrial units.
SWWS was also at the forefront in responding to the devastating floods ravaged the country in July 2010 and has undertaken comprehensive recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in the affected locales. The journey that began in1992 is far from being over. In order to keep serving communities, SWWS is yet to achieve many more milestones through a constant process of innovation of poor. Our institution, I am happy to report, is on track towards achieving of its strategic objectives. In a sense, our journey has just begun.
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